Have you found an interesting recruitment training on our website and are wondering what aspects to focus on when writing your application? We want to help you, and with this text, you'll get three concrete tips!
Companies participating in recruitment training programs are interested in you, your background, and your motivation. They want to know what drives you to apply to the program. Just as you would explain your reasons for applying to a specific company, justify in your skills profile why you are seeking admission to the training program.
Why did you become interested in this particular recruitment training? What do you believe the program will offer you, and what can you contribute to it? What stage of life are you in right now, and why does the recruitment training suit you particularly well? Answering these questions can help you justify your application in your cover letter.
It's obvious to talk about your skills, but how you do it is another matter. While your attached CV and listed work experiences provide guidelines for your skills, you can truly highlight all your skills with a descriptive approach. Your CV might mention a project manager role, but the job title itself doesn't convey much about your skills and achievements. You have the opportunity to showcase your skills in your skills profile.
Consider which of your projects, tasks, or hobbies align with and support the training program. For example, if you're applying for a marketing program, emphasize your blog or other social media experience. As a career changer, your industry experience may be relevant to companies, so don't leave it out. However, avoid overselling your skills. If you've taken a few coding courses, it might not be wise to claim you're a fully qualified coder. The program is looking for learners to grow into professionals. Be honest about your current situation.
You know best what type of work suits you and what tasks ignite your passion. Are you a creative individual constantly generating new ideas, or do you prefer routine tasks? Do you like delving deep into one subject and learning everything about it, or are you motivated by a multifaceted and diverse workload?
The better you can articulate your motivations and desires, the easier it is for the recruiting company to envision you as part of their team. Let your true personality shine through, as that is your greatest asset!
Also familiarize yourself with the frequently asked questions for job seekers here.