Saranen - Kokemuksia - EN listing page

Näkemyksiä uuden ajan rekrytoinnista, työelämän murroksesta ja osaamisen kehittämisestä. Näppäimistön äärellä Sarasen omat supersankarit ja vaihtuvat vieraskynät. Lue ja inspiroidu!

Participants' experiences

Recruitment training helped Miikka find meaningful employment

Miikka Wakkola, who has a degree in business, thought that the recruitment training programme would benefit his career development and so he applied for the...

Participants' experiences

HealthTech Academy opens the doors to the health technology industry!

The HealthTech Academy is a six-month recruitment training programme focused on health technology. Through it, Max Johansson and Minna Wesén were employed in...

Companies' experiences

Atea praises smooth, risk-free and cost-effective recruitment process

The IT service company Atea, which operates in the Nordic and Baltic countries, recruits new talent through recruitment training programmes whenever possible....