Saranen - Kokemuksia - EN listing page

Näkemyksiä uuden ajan rekrytoinnista, työelämän murroksesta ja osaamisen kehittämisestä. Näppäimistön äärellä Sarasen omat supersankarit ja vaihtuvat vieraskynät. Lue ja inspiroidu!

Participants' experiences

Becoming a coding talent of tomorrow through recruitment training

Sini Aalto and Nelson Makubuya Ntege found their dream jobs in the programming industry through a recruitment training programme. Recruitment training provided...

Companies' experiences

In a situation of change, individual support and a future-oriented attitude are crucial

Adjustment situations are challenging in many ways, for both the company and the individual. Uncertainty in workplaces is caused by things such as the number...

Companies' experiences

Communication skills training helped align employee mindsets across locations worldwide

The Finnish energy company Fortum has power plants around the world, and as an international organization, recognized the growing need for consistency in modes...