For companies
Renew & manage competence
When we work together to grow competent professionals and commit them to your company, we create conditions for success.
Open the door to success70% of companies will face changing competence needs in the coming years.
Yes, you read that right. Seven out of ten decision-makers in the fields of business and HR expect their company’s strategic competence needs to change over the next 3–5 years. This shows that competence management is now more important than ever.
By renewing and managing the competence in your company, you create ways to successfully meet critical work life needs. For some companies, these can mean career coaching on an individual level, for others, finetuning roles and developing the culture of learning and competence. Even though the goal can be achieved in many different ways, the goal itself is always the same: creation of conditions for growth and success. Now and in the future.
In your opinion, do you have the necessary tools to overcome the change in competence needs?
With our help, your organisation will grow to support success at each of its levels.
When competence is managed and renewed on an individual level, potential can be harnessed and even career challenges can be solved effectively. This is one of the key ways of improving employees’ comfort and their commitment to you. The results include benefits such as significantly decreased staff turnover.
Work community
Placing people in suitable roles and investing in teamwork create well-functioning and efficient teams and ensure the competitiveness of the entire work community. The work community is both an honest indicator of the company’s well-being and a significant pull factor for the employer. Genuine investment in the work community is a prerequisite for successful goal-oriented business.
Competence management creates savings in personnel costs and has a direct impact on the company’s profit. Even though the impacts can be seen quickly, the greatest benefit will become evident in the long run. When competence renewal and management are included in the company’s strategy, it is always one step ahead of the changes and trends in the work life.
Proven and achievable competitive advantage.
of business decision-makers consider competence management either very or fairly important.
of business and HR decision-makers believe that competence needs will change over the next 3–5 years.
assess the competence management in their organisation to be average, at least.
* Observations come from two studies we have carried out:
"Suomalaisten yritysten nykyosaaminen ja strategian tarpeet", Henry ry & Saranen, 03/2023
"Saranen - Osaamisen johtaminen 2023-2028", Taloustutkimus & Saranen, 05/2023
So that work and workers would always find each other.
We ensure that you will have access to the best competence that meets your needs, now and in the future. Our solutions are always tailored to suit the particular company, goals and strategy.
Contact usThe training days that take place inside the lab are important and create a basis for skills. The training is applied in practice through mentoring by Veikkaus. The biggest thing is on-the-job learning. It accounts for up to 80–90% of the learning journey. We try to support learning in such a way that every time a trainee learns a new skill, they can apply it immediately in practice.
Lauri Halkola, VP, Chief Data & Analytic Officer, Veikkaus
Of course, we all had some expectations about how things would go at each place. We were positively surprised by how well the training courses went and how well they were received.
Mikko Päivärinta, General Manager, Fortum
Research report
How will competence be managed in the future?
Are you one of the people who consider competence management important? You are not alone.
Under the leadership of Taloustutkimus, we commissioned a study on competence management, and the results were a wake-up call. Review our research report to find out how competence will be managed in 2028.
Download the report (in Finnish)Do you want to open the door to success?
Strengthen your future potential and open the door to success now.
You can contact us by phone, email or the form below; choose the method that suits you the best.

Maaria Karlsson
Head of Client Success
050 365 9338
Our cooperation partners
Saranen x Skillcode
Saranen and Skillcode work closely together to build increasingly effective and work-oriented learning paths. Skillcode’s strengths include various reskilling, upskilling and mentoring solutions. Like Saranen, Skillcode is part of Barona.