For companies

Change security service & outplacement 

When you face change, we will be your partner and guide you, your company and all your employees through any and all change situations.

Contact us Our services for individuals

Changes ahead?

In uncertain situations, you need a stable partner. As an experienced partner of human resources management and supervisory matters, we help companies carry out different kinds of adjustment measures.

We make sure that companies have enough time to support their remaining staff. We implement the whole process successfully and help organisations achieve a new beginning.

As a change security partner, we ensure that the Co-operation Act and legislation concerning change security are followed and that the staff feel seen.

Our services in situations of change

We support companies to move on from the situation of change. In practice, we help the company to ensure that the persons leaving the company can move on and that the employees remaining at the company know the expectations concerning them. We also support the supervisors and HR professionals at the company.

Support before and during cooperation negotiationsSupport before and during cooperation negotiations

Cooperation negotiations involve a lot of legal technical details. We will make sure that what is prescribed by law is realised. At the same time, we also remember the human side of the situation.

We will help you to take into account both the legal requirements and the needs related to dealing with staff.

If necessary, we will also draw up a communication plan for the cooperation negotiations to ensure that communications will be consistent during the situation of change. Cooperation negotiations are always not only about people but also about money. A good plan makes it possible to minimise the company’s financial risks.

Support in lay-off situationsSupport in lay-off situations

When employment relationships are terminated, the situation is difficult for both the supervisor and the staff involved.

Supervisor coaching ensures that the supervisor has the skills to handle the lay-off situation respectably.

Staff coaching is used to support those affected by the change in facing the difficult situation. 

Support after lay-off situationsSupport after lay-off situations

For the company, the situation of change does not end when the cooperation negotiations end. In the case of employees laid off permanently or temporarily, the conditions defined by law must be reviewed and applied in practice. In addition to the support measures required by law, additional support may be provided to those laid off to help them find new employment more quickly.

Rapid employment of laid-off employees reduces the financial disadvantages for the company. With our outplacement service, people who have been laid off will find employment and find a new direction in their career effectively through coaching, training and employment promotion measures.

People staying in the company after the changes may also need support even afterwards. Whether it be supporting supervisors or supporting experts, we will help you.

Overall coordination of change programmesOverall coordination of change programmes

We offer turnkey change situation services for companies. This means that we assume overall planning responsibility for the situation of change. We do this taking into account the needs and wishes of the company, also making sure that all the aforementioned areas related to the change are taken into account properly.

Sarasen muutosturvapalvelu ja outplacement-palvelut varmistavat, että muutosneuvottelut hoidetaan mahdollisimman hyvin.

Individuals and work life are at the heart of our change security service

The end of an employment relationship after cooperation negotiations affects each person laid off differently. It is both fair and profitable to ensure that situations of change are handled as well as possible. In a well-managed situation of change, the persons laid off and dismissed can turn their focus from the change to the future.

When the company invests in promoting the employment of its laid-off employees, by organising things such as training or coaching and offering new job opportunities, the persons leaving the company regard the company in a more positive light. This means that the company’s reputation as a responsible employer is maintained.

The services and solutions offered by Saranen are based on a work-life-oriented approach and we provide the people we coach with individual support that mirrors our approach. This will help them advance in their careers.

Etsitkö muutosneuvotteluihin apua? Muotoilemme muutosturvapalvelumme yritykesi tarpeista lähtien

We tailor our change situation services to your company’s needs

Taking the company’s circumstances into account and tailoring the change support to the company’s needs will help the company succeed, now and in the future. An overall solution designed together will be the best possible support for the company and individuals.

We will provide you with the planning, project management and coaching and training contents related to the programme as well as the best partners for implementing the overall solution.

We will support you with our 20 years of experience in managing change


laid-off people are covered by our services annually


of people coached by us find the next step in their career within 6 months


is the average of our coach feedback

kysymys-icon-keltainen-1Our customers' experiences with the service

"We feel that the best support we can give in the situation is to guide departing employees forward in their careers and support them in re-employment."

Read TietoEVRY's experiences.

"Even though the group of those who were let go was quite challenging due to their different backgrounds, Sarasen's coach succeeded in his job excellently."

Read more about the experiences of a company operating in the social and health sector.

Find stability with us

Could we help you with your situation of change? Or do you have questions about our services?

You can contact us through the form below.

You can also directly contact Maaria, who will be happy discuss the topic in more depth! 


Maaria Karlsson
Head of Client Success
050 365 9338



Read our guide

Plan and carry out adjustment situations responsibly and with respect to staff

Every adjustment situation is different, but through our experience, we have identified certain success factors that are relevant to any adjustment situation. Based on what we have learnt through our experts and customers, we have collected our tips into this guide. 

HR’s guide to managing adjustment situations responsibly (In Finnish)

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