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Web Developer Academy

Pirkanmaa/Tampere region

Combine expert level training and a new job in software, web and online communications! There are a total of 10 available positions in the Pirkanmaa area across various companies and roles.

Programme schedule:
18.9.2024 - 19.3.2025
Application period:
Companies seeking new talents:
Headpower logo-1
Headpower logo-1

Code the next chapter of your career

Do you want to be involved in building sites or applications that really stand out from the crowd? Do you want to level up your skills for example in environmentally friendly coding and use of AI in programming?

Several companies in the Pirkanmaa area are looking for people with different backgrounds to grow into roles at different levels, for example for web development, application development, web communications, UI/UX development, testing, DevOps and many other software development tasks.

Through the Web Developer Academy recruiting training programme, you get the opportunity to develop your skills to a new level and head towards roles that interest you. The purpose of the programme is to increase your skills through training days led by top professionals in the field and through learning in your new job at real projects and tasks. The goal of recruitment training programme is that those who have completed the training will be employed by the participating companies.

Would now be the perfect time to put your career into right tracks? Then keep on reading! 👇

Who are we looking for?

Oppiminen-kasvuPassion for learning new things

Are you interested in new topics and future technology solutions, such as responsible coding and the use of artificial intelligence in software development?


Solution-oriented experts

Do you thrive on problem-solving tasks and remain unfazed even if you don't find the solution right away? Companies seek individuals who excel in problem-solving and thrive on overcoming obstacles to find solutions.


Software/IT background

Have you acquired skills in programming, online communications or web-development via work, studies, or hobbies and want to deepen your expertise? 

Hundreds of professionals have found their place in the industry

I had the opportunity to learn new technologies and develop my skills in such a way that I would be an even more attractive IT expert on the job market.

Nelson Makubuya, Software Developer, Kustannusyhtiö Otava

Overall, the training was really good. What surprised me the most was how big an impact a single day of training can have on your competence. I remember a training set about the basics of Python. Although I had used the programming language before, I received a surprising amount of new information from the training. My work has improved dramatically after the training.

Janne Blom, Software Engineer, Etteplan

When I applied to the programme, I was by no means expected to be a ready expert, but the most important thing was the desire to learn new things. Through the programme, I got a permanent job and, above all, I was able to build a unique career in the field I had dreamed of.

Sini Aalto, Test Engineer, Softability

Saranen’s programme was rightly structured with a very detail-oriented guided path. It allowed someone like me who had a long break to get back to the industry in a fairly short period of time. In my opinion, the programme will benefit both experienced job seekers as well as someone who is looking to get into the technology industry without any prior experience.

Shikha Varshney, Project Manager, Surveypal

Level up your skills

Our job is to be at the pulse of industry and business, understanding the technologies for which expertise is truly needed. The training content is also built closely together with partner companies to meet their specific needs. 

Are you ready to develop your skills in, for example, WordPress, different web development technologies, UX design, databases, cloud services, environmentally friendly coding and the use of artificial intelligence in software development?

The training is flexilingual, meaning instruction is provided in both Finnish and English. Students are encouraged to use either Finnish or English based on their individual needs and strengths during tasks.

Content of the training

Recruitment training, what is it?

The purpose of the programme is to enhance your expertise through high-quality training days and learning on the job in a new role. The aim of the recruitment training is for participants to secure employment within participating companies upon programme completion.

Web Developer Academy is workforce training, which is implemented in Pirkanmaa area with local TE-services, ELY-centre and Software Finland ry. The programme is targeted for unemployed jobseekers, or people facing the prospect of unemployment.


Grow quickly for a new job

Web Developer Academy combines new work and expert training into one package in a convenient way. In addition to the job you're aiming for, you’ll also invest in your own expertise in the long run and boost your skills on topics that are very sought after in the IT industry.

The main goal of the Academy is to employ you with a partnering company at the end of a 6-month program. Did you know that on average, 80 % of our program participants lands the job after the training?

During the 6-month period, you will also get to know the work community and final work assignments in advance, so you’ll have all the right tools to succeed in your future role.

Find positions that suits you

The Academy gives you the opportunity to influence on your career development and what your next role might look like. Curiosity about new topics and technologies, as well as your enthusiasm for developing your own professional skills, are your greatest strengths, whether you are in the early stages of your career or an already more experienced expert. We value diversity so come as you are! The final job assignment will be tailored for you to fit your interests and previous experience.

Find more about the roles at the end of this page.

Top quality level training

During the programme, you’ll receive quality training from industry leaders and increase your skills that will be beneficial to you now and in the future. The best part of the training is that you’ll get the chance to take all your new skills and traits conveniently into practice in your new role.

The Academy consists of about 30 % of training days. The other 70 %, participants will be spending working in the hiring companies in real projects.

Find more about the content of the training at the end of this page.

Saranen as your job seeking agent

The Saranen’s competence profile serves as your business card for all the recruiting companies in the programme. Through the profile, you can tell us about your background, competence, motivation and your future career goals. Thus, you don’t have to apply for open roles separately and you’ll get the chance to discuss and spar about job opportunities with Saranen’s experts during the application process.

Our goal is to find a role that supports your background and career development in the best possible way, regardless of your background and ambitions.


Apply now!

Are you interested? Submit an application to the programme!

In addition to the TE-Services application, we also require filling out the Sarasen skills profile so that we can progress your placement in the program.

Application period ends 19.8.
Apply now
1. Fill out the TE-Services' application

You can apply for the Web Developer Academy recruiting training program if you are unemployed or at risk of unemployment. Also, make sure that your job search in TE-Services is valid.

Pre-selection for the training is made on the basis of the information from the TE-Services' application, so be sure to justify your application carefully.

Fill out TE-application
2. Fill out your skills profile to Saranen

Please fill out your professional skills profile to Saranen. This profile will be your calling card for recruiting companies.

Make sure you fill both applications carefully! We’ll start interviewing the potential candidates already during the application period – so apply quickly!

Fill out Saranen's skills profile


Have questions? We got answers!

Do you have any questions about the programme, training, open positions, or anything else? Check out the frequently asked questions here or contact us directly. We're happy to help.


Taru Kaaja (on vacation 1.-7.7.2024 & 15.7.-4.8.2024)
044 460 2272

What is Web Developer Academy?

The Web Developer Academy offers recruitment-focused workforce training, aiming to employ skilled individuals in collaborating companies upon completion of the training period.

The academy effectively combines expert training with practical experience. Approximately 30% of the program involves expert training, with the remaining 70% focused on hands-on learning.

During training days, participants not only receive expert training but also have the opportunity to network with other skilled individuals undergoing training.

There are 10 available spots in the programme.

For whom is the programme targeted?

The recruitment training programme is targeted for unemployed jobseekers, or people facing the prospect of unemployment.

You can be a future expert starting your career, a recent graduate who has already gained experience in the field, a career changer considering new opportunities, or a already experienced developer looking to upgrade your skills and career path.

We hope that the participants in the programme have at least some kind of familiarity with web development technologies (e.g. WordPress or similar content management systems), software development, UX design, or some other technical background through, for example, hobbies, studies, or previous work experience.

The training is flexilingual, meaning instruction is provided in both Finnish and English. Students are encouraged to use either Finnish or English based on their individual needs and strengths during tasks.

All the job positions in the programme are found in Pirkanmaa area.

Content of the training?

The training content is built together with partner companies. Preliminary plan of the content:

  • Environmentally friendly coding
  • Overview of the software development process
  • Publishing platforms: WordPress + PHP
  • Web development technologies, e.g. JavaScript, Typescript, React, Angular
  • User experience design
  • Basics of databases and cloud services
  • Modern working life skills
  • The possibilities of utilizing artificial intelligence
  • Software developer in the customer interface
Duration and schedule of the programme?

Application period: 18.6.-19.8.2024

Programme schedule: 18.9.2024 - 19.3.2025

Implementation method of the training

About 30% of the entire program is expert training and 70% is active on-the-job learning.

The knowledge-based education is organized as a hybrid implementation in Tampere as face-to-face teaching and in parts as a remote implementation. The rest of the training is completed by the student on the job by learning at a partner company live, hybrid or remotely in accordance with the company's own practices.

The training is flexilingual, meaning instruction is provided in both Finnish and English. Students are encouraged to use either Finnish or English based on their individual needs and strengths during tasks.


The purpose of the training is to employ you in a cooperative company through the program. This can happen at the end of the program, or even during the program. On average, more than 80 % of the participants are recruited into a new role at the end of the training program.

Application process

From Saranen, you get individual support from the beginning of the recruitment process in the form of sparring, guidance and coaching.

1. After TE-service's application processing and pre-selection, we will invite you to interview with us.

2. Once we have gotten to know you in more detail, we will start advancing your application process.

3. We offer and arrange times for pre-interviews. After the selections, we conclude a training contract between you and the company for the duration of the program. The goal of the training is to employ you in a cooperative company for a permanent employment relationship at the end of the program.

You can find out more about the application process and the progression of the program here!

Recruiting companies & open roles

There are several open positions at different seniority-levels, and the final job description can be customized according to your background and interests as far as possible.

People have been employed from similar programming and IT expert training programme, for example for the following tasks:

  • Web Developer
  • Software developer or designer
  • Application or system specialist
  • Software Engineer
  • Cloud Developer
  • DevOps specialist
  • Technical project manager or consultant
  • UI/UX developer
  • Backend/Frontend Developer
  • IT support person

6 Software Developers

Hion is a software company, founded in 2001, with almost 60 experts onboard. We specialize in offering tailored software development, web and mobile applications, and eCommerce solutions. At the core of our solutions lies understanding our customers’ businesses and users, high-quality design, scalable technology, data utilization, and continuous learning. We create services that are environmentally friendly, incorporating sustainable development principles into our digital solutions.

Our customers are diverse, ranging from mid-sized companies to publicly listed corporations and the public sector. Our values, Committed, Inspirational, and Sustainable, are reflected in everything we do:

Committed: We are committed to finding the best solutions for our customers while enjoying our work and having fun.

Inspirational: As a community, we are curious and caring. By being inspirational, we are honest, down-to-earth, and determined.

Sustainable: We care about our planet, and our way of working is sustainable, ethical, and transparent.

Software Developer(s)

Your daily work will consist of developing software development projects by collaborating with the customer, other developers, a project manager, and a designer. You will be focusing on WordPress-based projects and assist in developing and customizing WordPress themes and plugins. You’ll also use a variety of tools and technologies such as TypeScript, PHP, Databases, and platforms such as Google Cloud Platform and Docker. As a developer, you will implement website updates and optimizations and resolve website issues and bug fixes. You will be located in the main office in Tampere.

We hope you have developed some knowledge on programming and web-development, and you have a university degree. Foremost you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment and have a passion for learning new things. You’re self-driven and you bring positivity around you. It is also important that you are solution-oriented team player who understand the client's objectives and is willing to find the best solutions for our customers.  

We offer you the opportunity to have an impact on your own job role, Hion’s operations, and be part of a significant growth story. When working at Hion, you will have an enjoyable working life enriched by a diverse group of colleagues and lively humor. We value diversity and the richness it brings to our community. As an environmentally conscious community, the commitment to promoting a greener world is at the heart of our existence. Ambitious ESG goals guide our work, which is also evident in our customer relationships. 

HeadPower Oy

Junior Front-end Developer

HeadPower on suomalainen infraverkkoyhtiöitä palveleva pilvipalvelutoimittaja. Yhtiömme on perustettu 2001, liikevaihtomme on n. 5 miljoonaa euroa ja henkilöstöä on yli 40 henkilöä. Omistajamme ovat suomalaisia infra-alan yhtiöitä.

Kehitämme jatkuvasti tuotteita ja palveluita vastaamaan paremmin asiakkaiden ja toimialan tarpeita – nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Mahdollistamme asiakkaillemme keskittymisen tulevaan – sovelluksemme ja ohjeistomme pitävät huolen arjen sujuvuudesta. Asiakkaitamme ovat sähköyhtiöt, vesihuollon toimijat, kaukolämpöyhtiöt, infraverkkourakoitsijat sekä teleoperaattorit ja kaupunki-infran toimijat. Vaikutamme aktiivisesti toimialojen kehitykseen pitämällä yllä vuorovaikutusta asiakkaidemme ja viranomaisten kanssa.

Junior Front-end Developer

Etsimme Web Developer Academy -rekrykoulutuksen kautta front-end kehittäjää kasvamaan monipuolisiin ohjelmistokehityksen tehtäviin. Työtä tehdään omien rakentamisen sovellusratkaisutuotteiden parissa.  Kehitämme tuotteitamme moderneilla työkaluilla SAFe mallin mukaisesti, Scrum-tiimeissä. Tarjoamme sinulle kiinnostavan ja haastavan työn, jossa pääset haastamaan myös itseäsi. Työ ja lähimmät kollegasi sijaitsevat Tampereella, muut toimipisteemme ja työkaverit ovat Espoossa, Jyväskylässä ja Ulvilassa.

Arvostamme koulutustaustaa ja kokemusta ohjelmistokehityksestä, joko työkokemuksista, opinnoista tai vaikka omista projekteista. Tärkeintä on kuitenkin halu oppia, kehittyä ja ottaa haltuun uutta teknologiaa ja ratkaisuja. Työssäsi tarvitset sujuvan englannin ja suomen kielen taidon. 

Unfair Lean Marketing Oy


Unfair on Lean Startup -menetelmiä soveltava strateginen markkinointi- ja viestintätoimisto. Tuotamme asiakkaillemme epäreilua kilpailuetua yhdistämällä luovuuden liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen.Unfair tuo ketteriä menetelmiä B2B-yritysten markkinoinnin, myynnin, viestinnän ja strategiaprosessien kehittämiseen.

Unfair myös haluaa omalla esimerkillään ravistella työelämän rakenteita sekä luoda uusia käytäntöjä inhimillisemmän ja kestävämmän asiantuntijaelämän puolesta. Unfairilla on käytössä 4+1-työviikko, mikä tarkoittaa, että unfairilaiset tekevät neljänä päivänä viikossa asiakastyötä ja käyttävät perjantait uuden oppimiseen, kehittämiseen ja palautumiseen.


Etsimme talliimme Tampereelle oppimiskykyistä ja -haluista sivustokehittäjää. Toteutamme suurempia ja pienempiä WordPress-projekteja tiimeissä, jotka muodostuvat eri alojen asiantuntijoista aina web-kehittäjistä viestinnän ammattilaisiin ja digitaalisen markkinoinnin asiantuntijoista strategeihin. Työsi koostuu alkuun nykyasiakkaidemme sivustojen jatkokehityksestä ja pienkehitysprosessien kehittämisestä. Tukenasi oppimisessa on nelihenkinen web-tiimi. Tavoitteenamme on kasvattaa joukkoomme ammattilainen, jolla on näkemystä ja osaamista myös koodin ulkopuolelta.

Meille voi tulla erilaisilla koulutustaustoilla, mutta eniten sytymme seuraavista asioista:

  • Kokemus markkinoinnista
  • Visuaalinen silmä
  • Hyvä kielitaito (suomi ja englanti)
  • Ongelmanratkaisukyky
  • Kokemus asiakastyöstä
POF Visuals/Virtual Trade Center Oy

Asiakasmarkkinoinnin osaaja

POF Visuals on suunnan näyttäjä digitaalisten visualisointipalvelujen tarjoajana hyödyntäen huipputeknologioita ja innovatiivisia ratkaisuja. Yritys yhdistää korkealaatuiset 3D- ja VR-visualisoinnit, interaktiiviset virtuaaliympäristöt ja animaatiot luodakseen vaikuttavia kokemuksia asiakkailleen markkinointiin sekä myyntiin. Asiakkaamme ovat mm. rakennusteollisuudesta, valmistavasta teollisuudesta, arkkitehtitoimistoista ja kiinteistökehittämisen sekä -jälleenmyynnin alueilta.

Asiakasmarkkinoinnin osaaja

Etsimme nyt Tampereelle markkinoinnin ja asiakasviestinnän tekijää, joka tulee tukemaan vahvaa kasvuamme. Mikäli sinulla on jo työelämäkokemusta eri toimialoilta ja tehtävistä tai teknistä taustaa, ne antavat hyvän pohjan ja auttavat ymmärtämään tuotteitamme ja tuottamaan sisältöä 3D-visualisointien mahdollisuuksista asiakkaiden haasteiden ratkaisuissa. Työssäsi teet asiakasviestintää erilaisiin kanaviin, joissa painottuvat yrityksen verkkosivut ja muut digitaaliset kanavat. Tulet osaksi tiivistä asiantuntijatiimiämme ja saat mahdollisuuksia kasvaa roolissasi osaamisesi mukaan. Osana markkinoinnin työtäsi tuet myös myynnin ja taloushallinnon prosesseissa.

Toivomme että sinulla on:

  • jo jonkin verran tuntumaa markkinoinnin ja viestinnän toteuttamisesta työkokemuksen tai koulutuksen myötä
  • itsenäistä työotetta
  • halua oppia ja kehittyä työssä koulutuksen tukemana
Tue Tiimiä fi Oy


Teemme työtä, jotta jokaisella lapsella ja nuorella olisi mahdollisuus osallistua ja harrastaa. TUETIIMIÄ.FI palvelua käyttämällä erilaiset hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöt, koululuokat, päiväkodit, joukkueet, urheiluseurat ja yhdistykset hankkivat varoja toimintaansa. Olemme kasvava startup, jonka innovatiivinen TUETIIMIÄ.fi varainhankintapalvelu on vakiinnuttanut paikkansa suomalaisten varainhankintaa toteuttavien tahojen käytössä. Varainhankinnan tuotevalikoimamme on Suomen suurin ja koostuu vastuullisten kotimaisten HYVÄN TEKIJÄ -YRITYSTEN® tuotteista. Tulevaisuudessa toimimme myös kansainvälisesti.


Etsimme Web Developer Academyn kautta uutta osaajaa kasvamaan vahvistukseksi oman alustatuotteemme kehitykseen. Pääset roolissasi tutustumaan alustamme ylläpitoon ja mukaan uuden alustan kehittämistyöhön vanhemman kollegan rinnalla.

Arvostamme, mikäli sinulla on osaamista ja kokemusta web-kehitystyöstä eri teknologioin, eduksi on erityisesti Wordpress, PHP tai Laravell osaaminen. Olet voinut hankkia osaamisesi erilaisissa alan hommissa tai omissa projekteissa. Koulutustaustasi alalta on toki etu, muttei merkittävin juttu.

Innostut uuden oppimisesta ja startup-yrityksen nopeatempoisesta ja kokeilevasta työkulttuurista. Meillä pääset mukaan luomaan uutta ja tekemään merkityksellistä työtä lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin edistämisen ja suomalaisen työn arvostuksen lisäämiseksi.

We are updating more roles soon!

Please note that not all companies' needs are publicly visible!

We are also looking for company positions on an applicant-oriented basis, so feel free to apply and tell us what your career dreams!