Code & Cyber Academy Uusimaa
New job or new skills? Why not both!
Changes in employment come with many questions.
Should I apply for a new job? Should I improve my competence? Or should I head to a completely new industry? Deciding can be difficult. However, your occupational goals can be achieved with fewer compromises than you think – by approaching work through training.
The main objective of the training courses is to get you permanently employed at your cooperative company after 4–6 months of training. In addition to performing the tasks of the position you are aiming for, you get to invest in your own competence in the long term and actively contribute to what your next role could be like.
Thanks to the practical work included in our recruitment training, you get to adopt your new duties immediately and increase your expertise in real life.
Throughout the programme, you will be trained by the leading actors in the industry and you will get to hone the skills that employers will compete for now and in the future.
When you apply for a programme, you need to fill in a Saranen competence profile. It is your business card for the cooperative companies, which means that you do not need to apply for each company separately.
Are you interested in making the leap to a new industry or new kinds of duties, but a long spell of training does not fit into your situation? The solution is recruitment training where you will have training days combined with immediate access to your new work tasks. Truly a fast lane to competence!
Are you a freshly graduated professional looking for work experience? We will help you get valuable work experience in your industry, and through us you will gain a foothold on your path to your dream job.
Having a long career does not always guarantee that you will be employed quickly, and sometimes your skills have lost some of their shine. With us, you get the opportunity to update your competence and work in highly challenging positions.
Overall, the training was really good. What surprised me the most was how big an impact a single day of training can have on your competence. I remember a training set about the basics of Python. Although I had used the programming language before, I received a surprising amount of new information from the training. My work has improved dramatically after the training.
Janne Blom, Software Engineer, Etteplan
I started studying the Digital Marketing Bootcamp more closely and became convinced of its content. I am a self-taught marketer, so there was a need to develop my digital marketing skills so that I could continue to work in marketing.
Camilla Tauro, Digital Content Specialist, WaDS
Thanks to the recruitment training programme, I learned to describe my skills better and found a job in a new city!
Johanna Isojärvi, Financial administration service expert, Monetra
I got to Dagmar through Saranen’s DigiExpert programme. The programme is always prepared according to the participant’s personal goals. It utilises Saranen’s extensive training offering. I mainly participated in the eCommercePro training days and learned a lot there.
Petri Hänninen, Digital Planner, Dagmar
participants in recruitment training programmes per year
recruiting companies per year
get employed directly at the end of the training programme
Here, at Saranen, you will have access to personal support, such as sparring, guidance and coaching, from the very start of the recruitment process. The earlier you apply for the training programme, the better we can assess your situation and help you achieve your career goals.
Your eligibility for participation will first be determined by TE Services. Saranen’s competence profile will serve as your business card for companies recruiting in the programme.
After TE Services have processed the application and made the pre-selection, we will invite you for interviews with us. When you meet us, you will be able to tell us more about your personality and skills and describe in more detail what kind of work you would like to aim for through the programme. We will contact all applicants who have made it through TE Services’ pre-selection by the end of the application period.
Once we have got to know you in more detail, we will start looking for places that match your personality, skills and career goals among the partner companies in the programme. So we will be your job search agent! If you want to find a company for yourself or you already have one in mind, you can also apply for a place at a company yourself in F.E.C. training.
We will offer and make an appointment for you for an interview with the partner company. In the interview, you will get to know more about the offered job and career opportunities with the supervisors and/or colleagues at the recruiting company. The final decision on selection for the programme will be made by the recruiting company.
After the selections, we will conclude a training agreement between you and the company for the duration of the programme. Through the 4–6-month training programme, you will have direct access to practical work tasks and increase your skills through expert training (about 25–30% of the duration of the programme). As a result, you will get to know the work community and the job in advance, and you will find the right tools for success in your future role.
The purpose of the training is to employ you in the partner company through the programme. This can happen at the end of the programme or even during the programme. In addition to the job you are aiming for, you will also invest in your competence in the long term and increase your expertise in the skills that employers compete for. Over 80% of the participants will be recruited for a new role at the end of the training programme.
We at Saranen will take care of finding the partner company. We will try to find a company that meets your wishes as well as possible. At the same time, we take into account the needs of the company, as the company’s representative makes the final choice of the most suitable candidate for them.
You can also search for a place at a partner company yourself to secure your place in the programme. If you have a potential place at a company, please mention this to the responsible persons of the training programme as soon as possible at the beginning of the application process.
During the programme, you will be in a training relationship with the company and the company will not pay you wages for the period. During the training, you will receive the same unemployment benefit as if you were unemployed. You will also receive compensation for expenses on the training days.
If participation in the training has been agreed in your employment plan, your unemployment fund or Kela may pay you an increased unemployment benefit for the duration of the training. For more detailed conditions, the maximum period and other information regarding the increased benefit, please contact the party paying your unemployment benefit. The aim is for you to have a paid employment relationship with the company after the programme.
In order for you to be selected for the recruitment training programme, we will need to find you a suitable place at a partner company. Selections for the programme will be made individually as places at companies are confirmed.
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