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Microsoft Career Bootcamp

In Finnish

Do you live in Jyväskylä and are you under 30 years old? Are you interested in the ICT industry, but haven't (yet) found a suitable route there? In cooperation with the city of Jyväskylä and Microsoft, we offer up to 50 young professionals the opportunity to increase their own ICT skills and at the same time improve their own employment opportunities through job search coaching.

Jyväskylä Region
Bootcamp period:
Application period:

Kickstart your career! 

Are you a recent graduate or an experienced expert, but currently unemployed? Would you like to improve your employment opportunities and increase your skills in either Cybersecurity, Power Platform or Practical AI, while at the same time accumulating study points for yourself?

You are in the right place! During the 3.5-month (14-week) Microsoft Career Bootcamp, you complete one self-selected Microsoft micro-degree, receive personalized guidance for your job search, network with others in the same situation, and get the opportunity to meet local companies.

Apply now


During the bootcamp, each participant chooses one of Microsoft's micro-degrees (Cybersecurity, Power Platform, Practical AI) to complete. In addition to these, the participants receive high-quality job search coaching, which helps the applicant get help in achieving their goal.

Job search coaching is built to focus especially on the special features of the IT industry. The coaching is aimed at identifying the newly acquired competence, bringing it to the fore and directing the job search to the corresponding roles and succeeding in the job search.

Expressing your own skills

During the training, you will learn to identify, articulate and sell your own expertise. You will learn how to make use of your previous knowledge and express the new knowledge brought by the micro-degree. You get ways to identify what you want from your new job.

Finding channels for job search

With the help of the training, you will update your knowledge about what are the most important job search channels today and what kinds of active job search tactics exist. You will learn how to target your applications and identify companies that need the expertise obtained from a micro-degree. Alternative avenues regarding career advancement will also become clear to you.

Updating job application documents

With the help of coaching, you can update your CV and application to diamond shape. You get to test the creation of a video CV and create a current open application for yourself. You will get to know the different job search channels and learn to use artificial intelligence in the job search.

Preparing for a job interview

During the training, you will get support on what to consider before, during and after the interview. You will understand what the goal of the interview is, how it most typically goes and how to prepare for the most common interview questions.


Cybersecurity microdegree (12 op)

With the help of a micro-degree, you get to know the basics of cloud and cyber security. After completing the micro-degree, you will understand the operating principles of Microsoft Azure.

  • Elements of Cloud and Cyber Security
  • Azure Fundamentals 
  • Cyber Security Fundamentals
  • Azure Administrator
  • Azure Security Technologies
  • Cyber Security Architet


Power Platform microdegree (8op)

With the Power Platform degree, you'll learn how to create applications, get the most out of your files, and improve your work by automating certain workflows. You will learn to do all this without any real coding skills.

  • Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Power Platform App Maker 
  • Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant
  • Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect 

    + Practical AI (2op)
    • Background and definition of artificial intelligence
    • An Introduction to Productive Artificial Intelligence
    • Artificial intelligence as an everyday helper
    • Artificial intelligence that produces language
    • Artificial intelligence that produces images
    • Ethical questions


Practical AI course (10 op)

In the Practical AI course, you learn about artificial intelligence and its operating methods in a clear and practical way. You will learn about productive artificial intelligence and learn to make different language and image models. 

  • Exploring Microsoft Azure 
  • Exploring Artificial Intelligence 
  • Exploring Data & Analytics 
  • Accelerating Development Workflow 
  • Getting Started with Cloud Native Data Storage 
  • Getting Started with Azure Development 
  • Getting Started with AI Development

Microsoft Career Bootcamp, what a heck?

Bootcamp is an intensive training in cooperation between Sarasen, Microsoft and the city of Jyväskylä. Its goal is to improve young people's employment opportunities by offering them education and training on topics that are needed in working life right now.



A boost to competence

During the program, you will be able to delve into various subject areas in a broad and comprehensive manner. In addition to self-study, the study days themselves consist of various individual and group exercises. After the program, you will have a great understanding of different tools, as well as practical experience in applying them.

All in all, you will be able to increase your competence in the skills that employers are competing for now and in the future.

Find jobs that look like you

The program offers you the opportunity to actively influence the direction of your career and what your next role could look like.

Curiosity about new topics and technologies, as well as enthusiasm for developing your own professional skills, are your greatest assets, whether you are a creator at the beginning of your career or an already experienced expert. So you don't necessarily need to be a ready-made expert at the application stage - we will help you grow during the program for your new role!

The bootcamp culminates in an event during which you get to meet local companies and introduce yourself to them.

Koulutuspäivien lisäksi valmennus tarjoaa myös loistavat työhakukoulutukset. Itse koin ne todella hyödyllisiksi! Päivitin CV:ni parempaan kuntoon, ymmärsin miten LinkedInia kannattaa käyttää ja sain räätälöityjä käytännön vinkkejä oman kokemukseni tehokkaammaksi myymiseksi. Lisäksi sain todella paljon inspiraatiota, energiaa ja kannustusta, joita käytin parantaakseni hakemustani ja ansioluetteloani, ja kun hain työpaikkaa. Onnistuin siinä ja voin rehellisesti sanoa, että ilman Sarasen huikeaa porukkaa en olisi siihen kyennyt.

Mikko Verdu | Analytics Bootcamp

Opin Bootcampilla paljon uutta ja hyödyllistä asiaa. Kuvittelin, että ohjelma olisi rankka putki, mutta asioita opiskeltiin rauhalliseen tahtiin, mikä oli tosi hyvä. Koin myös Sarasen työnhaun valmennuksen erittäin hyödylliseksi.

Johanna Ilmolahti | Code Bootcamp

Hakuprosessi Digital Marketing Bootcampiin sujui todella hyvin ja sain henkilökohtaista palvelua Saraselta. Olin tuohon aikaan osa-aikaisesti palkkatuetussa työssä, joten hakiessani mukaan en tiennyt olisiko minulla mahdollisuutta päästä edes mukaan ohjelmaan. Anni Saraselta soitti minulle ja lupasi selvitellä asiaa. Hän suositteli tekemään kuitenkin bootcampia varten tehtävän ennakkotehtävän vastausta odotellessani. Olin varma, etten pääsisi mukaan, koska hakijoita oli niin paljon. Kauaa ei kuitenkaan tarvinnut odottaa, kun sain jo kuulla päässeeni mukaan. Olin tosi innoissani!

Camilla Tauro | Digital Marketing Bootcamp


Apply now.

Were you interested? Leave an application for training with a low threshold!

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Fill in Saranen's competence profile
Application instructions

Saranen's competence profile serves as your application for training. Applicants are selected based on a skills profile, so please fill it out carefully.

Apply now

Questions? We have answers.

Do you have questions about training, coaching or something else? See the frequently asked questions below or contact us directly. We are happy to help.


Laura Hovi
Training Manager
040 673 6381 (on Mondays  9-10 & on Wednesdays 12.30-13.30)

Who is the program aimed at?

The target group of the training is unemployed young people under the age of 30 living in Jyväskylä.

Applicants are also required to have a strong motivation to develop into an expert in tasks related to Cybersecurity, Power Platform or artificial intelligence.

You don't have to be a ready expert at the application stage - we'll help you grow into your new role through expert training!


Bootcamp length and date?

The length of the Microsoft Career Bootcamp is 3.5 months, or 14 weeks.

Start date: 22 October 2024

End date: 31 January 2025

Implementation method and language?

The training is carried out online. The event at the end of the program will be held on site in Jyväskylä.

Depending on the participants, the training days are held in either Finnish or English. It is possible to complete the program entirely in English.

The common language of the IT industry is English, and applicants are required to have English language skills. Some of the materials are only in English.

How does the application process proceed? What about training?

At Saranen, you get individual support from the beginning of the recruitment process in the form of sparring, guidance and coaching.

1. Fill out the skills profile and contribute to the video interview answers.

2. We give feedback on the video interview to all unemployed applicants under the age of 30 who live in Jyväskylä.

3. We make selections for training based on the skills profile and video interview.